Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Motorola Defy

Warning: Rooting the Motorola Defy will void the warranty.
  1. You will need ADB on the computer to root the Motorola Defy. Follow the Android SDK guide, to get the ADB shell on the computer.
  2. Download rageagainstthecage-arm5, the Motorola Drivers & the Superuser package: 
                          Download Link Motorola Defy
  1. Windows Only: Install the Motorola device drivers.
  2. Unzip rageagainstinthecage-arm5 & the Superuser package to the same folder as adb (the /platform-tools folder within the Android SDK folder).
  3. Connect the Motorola Defy to the computer via USB.
  4. On the computer, open terminal and run the following commands:
    adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/
    adb shell
    chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
  5. Once the exploit finishes, in terminal, run the following commands:
    adb kill-server
    adb start-server
    adb shell
    NOTE: You should see a "#". If you see a "$", then the exploit didn't work, please repeat steps 6.
    mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
    adb push su /system/xbin/
    adb shell chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
    adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
  6. The Motorola Defy is now rooted, please continue to the next section.
NOTE: If rooting did not work with rageagainstinthecage-arm5 (like on my Defy with Android 2.2.2), you can also try the psneuter package.

Installing bootmenu & the ClockworkMod Recovery

If the Motorola Defy already has bootmenu & the ClockworkMod Recovery installed, you may skip this section.
  1. You will need ADB on the computer to install bootmenu the Motorola Defy. Follow the Android SDK guide, to get the ADB shell on the computer.
  2. Download the latest version of bootmenu (includes the latest version of the ClockworkMod Recovery):
  3. Unzip the bootmenu package into a folder called bootmenu & copy this folder to the root of the SD card.
  4. Connect the Motorola Defy to the computer via USB; make sure that USB connection is set to None.
  5. On the computer, open terminal and run the following commands:
    adb shell
    cp -R /sdcard/bootmenu /data/bootmenu
    cd /data/bootmenu
    chmod 755 *
    rm -R /data/bootmenu
  6. Bootmenu is now installed on the Motorola Defy. See Motorola Defy: bootmenu, on more info on booting into & using bootmenu. 


  1. "make sure that USB connection is set to None."

    Hi, do you happen to know how to do this?


  2. just cancel the selection when it is opted after plugging the usb.
